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Saturday, January 3, 2009


“Embark on a new vocation on part-time basis?! You must be crazy!” exclaimed an acquaintance which met me for lunch recently at a posh restaurant.

For some, doing something beyond what they are currently doing is an unthinkable option. After all, some already have their hands full with one 60 hour week job. There are also other household chores and domestic matters to attend, no forgetting needing time to rest and have some recreation. How else can they squeeze time for creating another source of income. There are also others who feel that they know “next to nothing” other than what they are currently doing. Still, some will say they have no spare cash to start another vocation.

Excuses, excuses, excuses……..hello, that’s nothing new. I have heard this countless times before.

Remember: whatever your circumstance, you are always in control. Take some quiet moments and reflect, I am sure the answers you seek will pop-up. Meditate if you need to – your inner voice will speak. Meanwhile, have a awesome day!